
大连龙鱼2024-09-05 23:28:018.62 K阅读0评论


用英语翻译一段话!植物油的金龙鱼:Golden dragon fish 生物学的金龙鱼:Gold Arowana, 或者 Yellow Croaker 学名大黄鱼,别名“红瓜”,石首鱼科,黄鱼属。




植物油的金龙鱼:Golden dragon fish (一个商标名)

生物学的金龙鱼:Gold Arowana, 或者(Large) Yellow Croaker

学名大黄鱼(Yellow Croaker ),别名“红瓜”,石首鱼科,黄鱼属。


1) the establishment of the principle of multi-brand

Multi-brand instead of a combination of several brands with the simple operation can not be in the process of multi-brand and multi-brand, multi-brand in each of a brand should have its strategic significance, the author of a summarized that the multi-brand a brand in each of the following must meet one or more of the principle, it is necessary. 1. Competitive enterprise competitiveness, including internal competition and external competition. Enterprises internal competition is manifested in various departments, and the competition between brands. Internal competition can often result in improved efficiency, but also eliminated some of the disadvantaged, little strategic significance of the brand. In the external competition, usually against competitive brands on the market similar products available through its special market position such as technology, price, services, functions, and so defend their characteristics were available on the market and the expected benefits. Multi-brand competition in the main external performance:

(1) to protect the company's flagship brand. Yun each successful multi-brand companies do have their own flagship brand, the flagship brand image is generally the brand or company profits brand in the company's operations, play a decisive role in, and the competitive market, the attacks are not opponents avoid, a brand it is very difficult to come from opponents of the attacks, and also because the company's flagship brand in the important position for their protection, it is necessary to establish a new brand on the offensive to opponents.

(2) formation of scale, lower costs, and conducive to competition. Only 12 of an enterprise segment to a brand large scale, from the production, advertising to the channels will be spent in the process of getting through the creation of brands, information, production, share channels and scale Win done to reduce connection costs. For example, market surveys, in particular the same brand, 12 brands need, the need for a number of brands, including some of the information is common needs, originally from 12 brands bear the cost has become a much more commitment, naturally reduce costs. Again, the purchase of advertising time, the media policy is less likely to buy a 5% discount to buy more than a 3%, which will reduce costs to competitive brands in a favorable position.

(3) positive for the market expected a new brand. This type of brand enterprises in the present can not bring much profit, but there may be a lot of input, but the enormous potential for development indicates that the future of enterprise sales and profits can be said that the enterprises to participate in future market competition in the key brands and hope. These are enterprises considering that the competition and the general basis for the establishment of brand, the establishment of a brand if the level of competition is out of consideration Generally, to meet one of the two.

2. Image principles. Brand competition, excellent brand image can be effectively win public trust and create a good "word-of-mouth" effect on the accumulation, enhance brand equity has a very important role. Enterprises must have a brand image in order to spur other brands leading brands, not brand image of enterprises, enterprises, brand equity low, low level gives the impression, to the detriment of sales. Some multi-brand the image of brand image very high tree well, such as Maotai liquor industry in the 80 Year Old Maotai market price to buy 6,600 yuan per bottle, while the sales of brand name products, and cost far less than the cost of publicity, but it establish a good image, when consumers know that other wine with the same brand is a company's products, it was natural for people to hear the "feelings" transplanted to the company's other brands, and thus promote good sales. Again, small edible oil packaging enterprises Kerry Jinlongyu grain and oil is used as its brand image, as Jinlongyu China is a founding packed edible oil brand in the market now is the strongest blend oil brand, when consumers know Kerry's other oil-Manyuan, ingots, carp, Orchid brands with Jinlongyu belong to a company's different brands, because of Jinlongyu edible oil in a small package and it is the position of that nature These brand names. In the multi-brand brand image of the role is to promote good corporate image of the sale of other brands.


1. 描写鱼的英语作文,5句话


this is a kind of animal. there are many kinds of this animal. it is colorful and lovely.

it lives in water. without water it is going to die.

this animal could be eaten by people or other large animals.

please make a guess of what is this animal.


2. 介绍鱼的英语文章

fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fishfish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish。

3. 描述小鱼的句子






4. 英文介绍一种鱼,



Any of numerous chiefly marine carnivorous fishes of the class Chondrichthyes (subclass Elasmobranchii), which are sometimes large and voracious and have a streamlined, torpedolike body, five to seven gill openings on each side of the head, a large oil-filled liver, a cartilaginous skeleton, and tough skin covered with small toothlike scales.


5. 关于鱼英语短文写出鱼的特点及你最喜欢的一种鱼,不少于10句

Generally speaking,fish is a kind of species which usually lives in the water.There are various kinds of fish in the world.Some are very common while others are very precious.In fact,fish has many functions and is of vital to people's life.Some countries like Japan

have great dependence on fish.And fish is the main food for Japanese.

Actually,I am very fond of golden fish because it is so beautiful and usually used as a decoration.In a word,fish is very important to human beings.

6. 请用英语介绍一下“鱼”

A fish is a water-dwelling vertebrate with gills that doesn't change form, as amphibians do, during its life. Most are cold-blooded, though some (such as some species of tuna and shark) are warm-blooded. There are over 29,000 species of fish, making them the most diverse group of vertebrates. Taxonomically, fish are a paraphyletic group whose exact relationships are much debated; a common division is into the jawless fish (class Agnatha, 75 species including lampreys and hagfish), the cartilaginous fish (class Chondrichthyes, 800 species including sharks and rays), with the remainder classed as bony fish (class Osteichthyes).


7. 形容小鱼的句子有哪些


1、“我记得他的样子,我不知道他的名字,我记得他的眼神,还有他额头上的疤” “我找的六个钟头,整整一个晚上。”椿来到一条白色的小鱼面前。她望着小鱼,小鱼闭着眼,安静的睡着。












13、小鱼他只是一粒沙子,而项天骐,他是耀眼的金子。小鱼可以留在桃李村任何一个沙滩上,而项天骐 不可能。小鱼和项天骐是两个方向,你是项天骐,不会沿着小鱼的轨迹,而我们家小贝,正在去小鱼的路上。项天骐注定牵不到她的手。



介绍金龙鱼工艺品说明文英语翻译(介绍金龙鱼工艺品说明文英语翻译怎么写) 巨骨舌鱼


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