
祥龙鱼场2025-02-04 18:09:489.82 K阅读0评论


But for now, or are we human beings killed, for sale, sell us to eat.In my opinion, there seem to be two kinds of sharks , but the fact that sharks have only one character, in my imagination, the first is: fierce sharks, second: no use of sharks.In these two species of shark, ferocious sharks is under what circumstances could use the title of it?Is swimming around in the ocean, and very handsome King in front of the sea. Useless shark is a shark be captured by humans, killing, for sale with title.In the evening, father settle when I went to bed, my dad said to me: today we see that the shark was cut in two in the future will be eaten by humans, do we humans are cruel, dont you think?





A couple of days ago, my dad and I go to the supermarket to buy things. Kingwe saw the sea shark, a shark that is cut in two, I think: sharks in the ocean so ferocious, and King of the sea anyway! But for now, or are we human beings killed, for sale, sell us to eat.

In my opinion, there seem to be two kinds of sharks (character), but the fact that sharks have only one character, in my imagination, the first is: fierce sharks, second: no use of sharks.

In these two species of shark, ferocious sharks is under what circumstances could use the title of it? Is swimming around in the ocean, and very handsome King in front of the sea. Useless shark is a shark be captured by humans, killing, for sale with title.

In the evening, father settle when I went to bed, my dad said to me: today we see that the shark was cut in two in the future will be eaten by humans, do we humans are cruel, dont you think?

I replied: its very cruel, but, if not cruel, we would starve. Because we still have to eat meat or something. Also, what other herbivores, for example eating cattle, sheep, and our homes not turned into a desert.

Grass, we have better homes. But we are a little cruel. Dad just smiled and walked out of my room.

鲨鱼英文简介6句话怎么写(关于鲨鱼的英语介绍) 鱼缸水质稳定剂



Sharks are vertebrates steel door cartilage (Chondrichthyes) elasmobranchii, Marine, a few species enter fresh water, as a group of large Marine fish speed is fast.


Shark endoskeleton completely composed of cartilage, often calcified, but without any true bone tissue, degraded or exoskeletons is not very rich, the body is often skin teeth (scale), tooth diversification, with hard muscle, but never exist, membrane bone temple seamless.


On the forehead is composed of palatal side cartilage, the forehead is composed of Mr Medvedev cartilage.Sharks, according to new research in the body contains a variety of biological active ingredients, such as anti-cancer agent, squalene, mucopolysaccharides and so on.






Sharks are a type of fish.

There are hundreds of kinds of sharks. Most are about two meters long. The dogfish shark, however, is less than twenty centimeters in length. The biggest whale shark can grow to twenty meters in length. Sharks do not have bones. The skeleton of a shark is made of cartilage. Human noses and ears are also made of cartilage.

A shark has an extremely good sense of smell. It can find small amounts of substances in water, such as blood, body liquids and chemicals produced by animals. Sharks also sense electrical and magnetic energy linked to nerves and muscles of living animals.


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