鱼缸用英文怎么写单词 鱼缸用英文怎么写单词的

祥龙鱼场2025-02-22 23:18:221.09 W阅读0评论
本文摘要目录:,1、,请帮忙翻译下面的对话w:你好!w.w:你听说过“East or West, home is best”这句谚语吗,2、,森森鱼缸为什么标志是sunsun,3、,英语翻译1.放一些石子在鱼缸底部有必要(翻译) It’s,4、,描写鱼缸里鱼的英语作文,5、,几个英语词汇的翻译请教一下几个词汇英文的翻译:1.亚克力艺术展示鱼缸.2.海底通道3.观赏鱼缸谢谢!,6、,一个英语句子的翻译Fish jumped out of their bowls and ponds. 我想知道bowls and ponds在句中什么意思,w:Hello!Have you ever read Ba Jin's novel "Home"?Do you think that homes like that are the best?

请帮忙翻译下面的对话w:你好!z.z:你好!w.w:你听说过“East or West, home is best”这句谚语吗

w:Have you ever heard of the proverb“East or West,home is best”?z:Yes,I have.
w:Do you know what does it means?
z:I think it means that home is the best place.
w:What does home means to you?
z:To me,home is the place where I feel the safest and freest.This is because that anywhere else besides home does not belong to me,things can't be under my controll them.So at these public places,I have to restrain from having some unhappy issues with others.However,it is totally different when I'm at home.It's a completely private space.I can do whatever I like there,without worrying about the inconviences brought to others.So,home makes me feel safe and free.What about you?What do you think of this proverb?
w:I don't really agree with this proverb.Fishs living in fish tanks,and those living in the ocean.Which one do you think is happier?Have you ever read Ba Jin's novel "Home"?Do you think that homes like that are the best?
z:I think that different people have different understanding of home.I think that home is the best place.At home,I can be with my family members.We can chat,watch the television,cook together.Home never fails to make me feel cozy and comfortable.All the stress from work can be wiped away totally,my whole body can get a rest.Home is my best resting place.
w:I agree with you too.Home can be different in a way or another.But the point is that how we can make our lives better,and give everywhere a feeling of home.
z:Yes.Human beings should love and help one another.In this way,wherever there is love,it is home.So this proverb should be changed to“East or West,everywhere is our home".
终于弄完了 后面翻译的不是很好 那一大段一大段的~



鱼缸用英文怎么写单词 鱼缸用英文怎么写单词的 养鱼的好处 第1张

英语翻译1.放一些石子在鱼缸底部有必要(翻译) It’s

1,It’s very necessary to put some stones at the bottom of the tank.
2,Are the fantail goldfish different from the others
3,Yesterday we heard a speech about the right way to learn Enlish
4,It's bad for our eyes to read in the sun
5,it's dangerous to take the fish out of the tank
6,It’s good to speak less but do more.
7,It’s interesting to play with balls and pieces of string.
8,Make sure that dress is not too big or to small


我有九条小金鱼(I have nine little goldfish)

鱼缸用英文怎么写单词 鱼缸用英文怎么写单词的 养鱼的好处 第2张


1 PMMA artisitc fish globe for exhibition
2 underwater sightseeing tunnel
3 artistic fish globe

一个英语句子的翻译Fish jumped out of their bowls and ponds. 我想知道bowls and ponds在句中什么意思

Fish jumped out of bowls and ponds.
bowls and ponds 鱼缸和池塘

鱼缸用英文怎么写单词 鱼缸用英文怎么写单词的 养鱼的好处 第3张

鱼缸用英文怎么写单词 鱼缸用英文怎么写单词的

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